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The Beyond Healthcare Blog

Move beyond the basics and discover fascinating and innovative insights into the world of mental health to help guide and empower your and your child’s journey.

Getting in Touch with your Inner Child

How navigating your inner child can help you healAn inner child refers to the part of your sub-conscious that holds the memories, feelings and experiences of your own childhood.  The uninhibited version of yourself before the world’s expectations got ahold of you.  The playful, curious, emotional, vulnerable side. The side that saw the world through innocent eyes.  Terms like “inner child” and “inner family” can sound a bit ‘woo-woo’ at

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Helping Your Child Develop Emotional Intelligence (EI)

Simple tips on how to help your child communicate big emotions I’m a millennial mom raising two Gen Z kiddos.  Growing up, no one used terms like mindfulness, emotional intelligence, mental health, etc.  For the most part, it just wasn’t talked about.  We treated our physical bodies when we got sick, but didn’t talk about our mental well-being or emotions much.  I grew up in the “children are to be

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Tips for Talking to your Kids about Substance Use

Why keeping an open line of communication is imperative By now, almost everyone has been impacted in some way by addiction, whether firsthand or with a friend or loved one.  With a nationwide opioid epidemic, no one is immune, not even our children.   Let’s face it, no parent looks forward to having difficult conversations with their kids about things like drugs and alcohol.  But it’s imperative to have honest conversations

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Parenting a Child with ADHD

Words of wisdom from a momma in recovery as she parents a beautifully unique neurodivergent kiddo. Growing up, I knew I felt different than other kids.  As a millennial with baby-boomer parents, I was taught to sweep my big emotions under the rug in fear of being “too much.” I couldn’t focus, and I was filled with anxiety for most of my youth. As I grew older, I started coping

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